Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Gun Rights a Necessity - 1392 Words

Guns have always been a topic of discussion. Many people have dedicated their lives to support or to fight gun rights. Gun rights are not only a civil rights issue, but it’s also a rights issue. On one side, the supporting side, people think guns should not be taken away and made illegal. The supporting side believes guns are a necessity for protection and a natural right. It is written in the constitution under the second amendment that it is, â€Å"the right of the people to keep and bear arms.† The other side, the side fighting gun rights thinks that guns are an unnecessary evil; they cause death when it’s not necessary, and in the wrong hands it could be very dangerous. We have seen this in numerous school shooting and public shootings over†¦show more content†¦By taking away gun rights, more than just one right is taken away from people. Criminals are commonly associated with gun debate. Criminals and mentally unstable people are the usual culprits to negative gun stories, by using guns to commit crimes like murder, thievery, and assault. While this is all true and a strong arguing point for people fighting to take away guns, they don’t realize who will actually be affected. It has been proved over the years that criminals and mentally unstable people have a different way of thinking, when they decide what they want to do; following the law is not usually in their plans. Guns are used by criminals and mentally unstable people to carry out their plans, making guns illegal will not change their plans, for some it might make it a little harder but for many it won’t matter because there are thousands of other weapons that are easy for them to get their hands on. People against gun rights don’t understand that people are to blame for what happen, not inanimate objects that cannot control themselves. A s the famous saying from the NRA (National Rifle Association), â€Å"Guns don’t kill people. People kill people.† Even if you manage to take the guns out of the hands of criminals and mentally unstable people, which is near impossible; will it really end the violence, and willShow MoreRelatedEssay on Three Reasons Against Gun Control646 Words   |  3 PagesA controversial subject in America today is gun control; should there be or should there not be. I do not know the answer to this question, but I do have an opinion as most citizen of our country. All trough our history guns have been used for the good of the people, and on the other hand, they have been used for the not so good of the people; however, as with most things there is a good use and a bad use. I believe the good uses out weigh the bad uses in this case. 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